Saturday, November 9, 2013


I have been listening to a Series by Tiffany Peterson that she offers for free every November, the First Call was on last Wednesday and i downloaded and listened to it on Thursday while running around doing errands, and again on Friday. On Friday a thought popped into my head after her and her guest Speakers comment about generosity, "the Generosity Experiment" I'm kind of addicted to Facebook groups so I decided that I would make a group called this and would be a place to share experiences with Generosity and encourage more generosity. As the thoughts in my head kept coming together i decided a blog was needed as well but "The Generosity Experiment was already taken so I shortened it to Expo.

If you want to check out Tiffany Peterson's Series it is on, you can still sign up to receive her calls, This month. #gratitude13 Even after the first call of this Series I am so excited to play full out this month and do everything that she asks of me on these calls. I truly believe that being grateful for what you have will help you not focus on the things you don't have. It is a hard concept and one that I struggle with.

My first Experience after listening to the call this week of playing full out and being more generous was in the drive through at McDonald's, I had just finished listening to the call for a 2nd time and kept thinking,, I should pay for the person's car behind me. and then thought no I don't think i should.. and literally kept fighting with myself about doing it. I then decided to go with my gut and got to the window to pay and told the man I would like to pay for the car behind me, He looked at what car was behind me and said.. It is is only 96 cents. I handed him a dollar and then drove up to get my food.. I was so excited I could barely contain it. I got my food, and then drove home. I was in a good mood the rest of the day. I had no clue how much their order was going to be when i offered to pay but was willing to put myself out there.

It then reminded me of a experience a few weeks ago when we went to the movies for Seth's birthday, we read the movie times wrong and ended up there at a time a 3d version of the movie was playing instead of the regular one so it ended up costing us a bit more leaving only 5 dollars for popcorn, so I went out and asked for the cheapest popcorn which ended up being about a cups worth of popcorn, so not worth the 4.50 it was going to cost me. A gentleman came up behind me and pipped up. give her the medium size one. and then proceeded to buy me a thing of popcorn, i tried to hand him the 5 dollars and he said that is wasn't necessary, I said thanks and then went back into the movie. I was incredibly touched by his generosity of buying popcorn for a complete stranger.

Generosity does not always have to be about buying something for someone else, A simple thank you, a card, a text, a stop to say hi is always welcome. What are you going to do everyday to be more generous.
 I encourage you to jump on the Tiffany Peterson's Calls this month, to write everyday in your gratitude journal, and to do one thing for someone else everyday.

I will continue to post my stories and others stories on here, and hope that this will encourage people to not be as self absorbed in your own lives and step out of your comfort zone. I can't wait to do more for the Generosity Expo..

Check out my facebook group and request to join. I have some fun ideas that I will post about on there over the next few days.

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